About ASHE
An Association for Headteachers run by Headteachers
ASHE is a not-for-profit Professional network which provides the following for Headteachers of secondary phase schools in Essex:
- Supportive Association offering advice, support and helping to avoid colleagues feeling isolated
- Provides an effective communication at local & national level and liaison with agencies; DfE, Heads Associations, National College, EFA, Regional Schools’ Commissioner, Regional Ofsted Director, Local Authority etc
Support colleagues in difficult/vulnerable situations including Ofsted, LA & DfE interventions - Representation on: School Forum, LA Strategic Groups e.g. SACRE, Safeguarding etc
- Provides Professional Development through, Conferences, New Heads Induction, Specific Training Course, SLT Courses, Brokered Service
Not a Professional Association (e.g. Union) or a political Association
ASHE normally takes a neutral stance in conflict situations involving schools - 2 dedicated Ex-Headteacher Officers working for the Association
Brokering Services
- Ofsted trained in-school support
- OFSTED preparation for Schools/Academies
- Governor Briefing and Training
- Advising Governors of Heads’ Objectives/Salary
- Subject school to school support
- Recruitment – Senior Appointments (including Headship)
- Performance Management
- Interview support for senior appointments
ASHE Bespoke services to schools include:
- Leadership School to school support
- Senior Leadership Reviews
- Middle Leadership Reviews
- Financial Reviews
- Curriculum Reviews
- Performance Management Whole School Training
- Interview service for senior positions (Heads/Deputies)
- Support with re-structures
- Headship Appointments
ASHE is funded by the following sources:
- Membership Subscriptions
- School Forum Contribution
- Sponsorship
- Conferences/Courses
Annual Membership Fee (assigned to the school not the Headteacher)
- Small Essex secondary school (under 500) £375
- Other Essex secondary schools £750
- Affiliated schools £375
- CEO of an Academy Chain £250
- Collective Essex Special Schools £2,000
Contact information:
Carole Herman, Executive Director
Mob: 07530053841
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Karen Kerridge, Professional Officer
Mob: 07811833701
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.